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If you've been in Egypt for sure you observed that unusual behavior Want to ask Egyptians, do you all doing it for saying hi or bye or I was just so lucky to see that And how you say hello to women?
This is a normal thing here in egypt for guys to kiss each other. What is abnormal is seeing a man and a woman kissing saying hello or bye (Ofcourse i'm not talking about a 1st degree relative, brother-sister, mother0father-son/daughter, husband-wife). In other words and as you know our main religion in Egypt is ISLAM and it is forbidden in isalm kissing a strange woman.
Though, to tell you the truth, now days it's something normal to see men-woman doing such things after gaining all these habits from different cultures.
Just wanted to add one more thing as on the contrary if two people they know each other very well and they just handshaked that counts as disrespect and affects on the relationsship between them.
But the most important thing is the hug which show in some how the appreciation you have from the opposit person.
Hope to see you back here and give you some more about the Egyptian culture.