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Egypt - Hurghada Forum www.forum.egypthurghada.com
Already was there 2 times and going again. Some ppl might say Hurghada is a dirty place, but i don't agree with that. ok, could be more clean, but i get it as different place than europe. egyptians are very kind ppl, they would like to help you all the time. i visited luxor , cairo , luxor is amazing! i also advise you to dive in the Red Sea, unforgetable thing!
Very happy to hear this encoraging comments about our mermaid.
I would love to meet you when you come over next time cause there is difintley things that you haven`t seen yet & I was looking forward to show you more about Egypt in total not only the mermaid of the Red Sea.
There are lots of places and let`s start with Hurghada as if you looking for nice and quiet place you can visit El Gouna www.elgouna.com .
And as I am from as Aswan the pride of the Nile I would suggest aswan in Jan/Feb time.
Marsa Alam,Sharm Elsheikh andMarsa Matrouh for summer time.
I used to work in a travel agency but I am now working in a diving center in Elgouna. If you like diving and snorkelling an water sports you can come and visit us also there is good night life in El Gouna.
Looking forward to hear from you about your next plans.
My Name is Hagag & I would appreciate if you introduce your names in you replys to bulid a good acquaintances with other culutres.
I am Nubian and for peoples who don`t know any thing about us they can visit http//:napata.org.